Thursday, May 13, 2021

Aurora Specialty Textiles Group Wins Multiple Business Awards

Aurora Specialty Textiles Group earned recognition for its business practices at a recent awards program hosted by the Valley Industrial Association (VIA).

The awards were announced at the annual VIA Spark Awards Benchmarking for Excellence celebration. The VIA represents the manufacturing industry in the Fox Valley region of Illinois.

For the second year in a row, Aurora won the VIA’s “Operational Excellence” award for a company with 51 to 250 employees. The company also won an award in the innovation category and was named the “Overall Most Improved.”

“The awards speak to the great employees we have at Aurora and our continuous focus on improvement,” said President Marcia Ayala. “The awards also demonstrate a consistent effort and focus throughout the Aurora organization. Thanks to all Aurora employees. I am very proud and appreciative.”

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