Tuesday, June 15, 2021

SBI Operations: A New Newsletter Covering the Health of You and Your Business

Running a business has never been easy, but it’s become harder than ever thanks to COVID-19 regulations, hiring struggles, supply chain disruptions, and shorter and shorter deadlines.SBI Operations newsletter business management wellness

Unsurprisingly, this leads to a lot of stress. According to a recent survey we conducted on wellness in the sign shop, the top two causes of stress in the shop were deadlines (33%) followed by finding/retaining workers (20%).

Fortunately, the health of shop employees is not being overlooked as that same survey found that 83% of respondents said physical/mental wellness is very important to their sign shop.

Work-life balance can be hard to achieve, especially in this industry, but it’s essential. And we’re here to help with SBI Operations, a new monthly newsletter launching on June 24 that covers the health of you and your business.

This newsletter offers wellness tips, business management tools, advice for hiring/retaining workers, and other information to help you stay well while keeping your business operating successfully.

Sign up today for SBI Operations and start better managing your health and your business.

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The post SBI Operations: A New Newsletter Covering the Health of You and Your Business appeared first on Sign Builder Illustrated, The How-To Sign Industry Magazine.


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