Tuesday, May 18, 2021

FDC Awards Five ‘Core Values Ambassadors’ in First Quarter

FDC Graphic Films, Inc. recognized five valuable employees as a “Core Values Ambassador” in the first quarter of 2021 for exemplifying one or more of the company’s five core values.

FDC’s Core Values are believed to be the five most important values in the way the company employees live and work: integrity, kindness, resiliency, engagement, and drive for success.

“Our team, our customers, and the world have faced difficult challenges this past year. These team members demonstrate their commitment to the Core Values through their actions, which makes me very proud,” said Judy Eck, FDC CEO. “Thank you to all of the nominees. It is a pleasure to be surrounded by a team that is passionate about the FDC’s goals and exhibits compassion toward one another every day.”

Jorge Barajas, production associate, was recognized for his engagement. Barajas is ready to help and does his best, even in adverse conditions. He checks his production numbers each day because he’s interested in his progress and he takes pride in doing a good job, is concerned about quality as well as quantity without complaints, and has a good attitude.FDC Core Values

In the company’s second double nomination, Dan Davis, shipping associate, was recognized for his integrity and drive for success. Davis is a hard worker and if something is wrong, he accepts responsibility and fixes it right away. Recently, he stayed at work about two hours after his shift when he saw the team needed more help to reach the shipping time goal that they ended up meeting thanks to him.

Julia Decocker, scheduler, was recognized for her engagement and drive for success. Decocker helped the shipping team in dire need to complete orders recently. She made it possible for them to get their work done with hesitation.

Missy Frattini, customer care agent, was recognized for her engagement and drive for success. A customer reached out to FDC one late Friday evening on social media needing urgent support to get the product they needed for a large job the next day that was stuck at the freight carrier’s warehouse. Frattini stayed over two hours after her shift to work with the freight carrier to help the customer get their order on time.

Emily Sharp, production associate, was recognized for her kindness. Sharp stuck around to help give a co-worker a battery jump in the parking lot one late February evening. Without her help, he would’ve waited alone in his car in windy, blizzard conditions, waiting for assistance from home.

Each employee received an FDC Core Values Ambassador award certificate from the Work-Life team signed by Eck.

The post FDC Awards Five ‘Core Values Ambassadors’ in First Quarter appeared first on Sign Builder Illustrated, The How-To Sign Industry Magazine.


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