Monday, May 10, 2021

Digital Billboards Become Recruiting Tools for Notre Dame Football

The Notre Dame football program is seeking new avenues to pursue the nation’s best high school players, including digital billboards placed all over the country that promote its brand and current players, Sports Illustrated writes.

The roadside adverts feature one or two players stating where they came from with a reminder of what college they chose, along with their Twitter handles.

The billboard blitz comes ahead of expected changes that will allow NCAA student-athletes to earn money for use of their names, images and likenesses. The article says the school, with these billboards, may be signaling support for those changes by “fully embracing the need to build up the brand of the Notre Dame players.”

Read more at Sports Illustrated’s Fan Nation.

The post Digital Billboards Become Recruiting Tools for Notre Dame Football appeared first on Signs of the Times.

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