Friday, April 9, 2021

Day 3 Recap of the ISA International Sign Expo Virtual: WLI Sessions

The ISA International Sign Expo wrapped up on Friday, April 9 with a bevy of educational sessions, live demos at booths, and The Wrap Institute‘s wrap contests (wrapping while blindfolded, anyone?).ISA International Sign Expo

Women Leading the Industry, the initiative created by ISA and Sign Builder Illustrated aimed at empowering and inspiring women, also presented two sessions.


Smashing the Myths of Women in Business


Andi Simon, PhD, CEO, Simon Associates Management Consultants, shared how women have challenged the myths holding them back so they can achieve personal and professional success. She also spoke about how you can attain your goals by rethinking your own life’s journey, overcoming hurdles, and shattering the glass ceilings.

Some key takeaways from her session included:

  • In a study Simon conducted, 65% of women were thinking a lot or a great deal about changing something important in their lives (job, career, marital status, etc.)
  • Simon challenged attendees to think about their own story and what they wanted to more of and less of, as well as what they never would change.
  • She invited attendees to step into the unknown and embrace change
  • To help craft your new story, Simon recommended focusing on small wins, keeping a gratitude journal, keeping an idea journal, and to work on dispelling negative thoughts.

Ways Food Can Improve Productivity and Reduce Stress at Work

Jaya Jaya Myra, best-selling Author, TEDx Speaker and mind body wellness expert, presented on the profound impact food has on stress, anxiety, focus, productivity, and more. She shared her top tips on how to use food and medicinal spices to facilitate better mental health.

Some key takeaways:

  • Myra said to focus on four things: prebiotics, probiotics, inflammation, and hormones
  • Probiotics are the microbiome that affects gut and mental health
  • Prebiotics are the nutrients that probiotics need to thrive
  • Inflammation can cause brain fog, depression, and lessen productivity.
  • Hormones like serotonin and dopamine greatly affect mood.
  • Myra recommended a wide variety of foods to help improve mood and health, including: garlic, onion, turmeric, bananas, apples, dark chocolate, etc.
  • She said to start by adding three new food habits to your routine to improve health.


Featured Photo by Windows on Unsplash  



The post Day 3 Recap of the ISA International Sign Expo Virtual: WLI Sessions appeared first on Sign Builder Illustrated, The How-To Sign Industry Magazine.

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