Thursday, October 8, 2020

California commission to consider lowering phone rates for jail inmates

State regulators will consider lowering telephone rates in California’s jails, where a 15-minute call can reach more than $26.

The California Public Utilities Commission announced Thursday, Oct. 8, that it will explore how it can cut the rates, which officials believe deter inmates from staying in touch with family members.  The Federal Communications Commission last month wrote a letter to state governors seeking a cap of $3.15 per 15 minutes for in-state calls..

The FCC has no jurisdiction over in-state calls, but is asking local municipalities and state lawmakers to reduce the cost. Jail calls outside of state cost about 16 cents per minute and the FCC is trying to get those rates even lower.

The California commission acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for the incarcerated to stay in touch with their families, which is crucial for rehabilitation. Affordable phone rates are essential to ensure inmates do not face increased financial burdens and retain the ability to stay connected to family.

The commission hearing will focus on how the CPUC regulates the rates, terms, and conditions of telecommunication services provided to incarcerated people in the state.

Public utilities Commissioner Martha Guzman Aceves, who introduced the proposal, said, “This summer has seen a great debate about the nature and the role of the criminal justice system in our society. There are no easy answers here, and reasonable minds can disagree. But I hope we can all agree on this: incarcerated people are people; they are Californians; they are ratepayers; they have not lost the legal protections afforded to all ratepayers; and this commission therefore has a legal obligation and — I think — a moral duty to ensure they are treated fairly.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many jails to suspend visitations, making telephone communication even more crucial, officials say. Eighty percent of the jail and prison phone calls are in state.

Most jails contract with outside vendors to provide phone service and return a cut of the revenues.

Comments on the CPUC proposal are due Nov. 9, 2020, and reply comments are due Nov. 19, 2020.

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