Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Creative Product Design – Expect The Unexpected

Famous brands are recognized for their flagship products, but would their brand shine on other products? Like if Crocs actually developed an umbrella. Would it be legit?

I guess not. Realizing how fun and crazy the idea could be, Ilya Kalimulin and other designers used their skills and creativity to photoshop 12 unexpected, somehow ironic products from well-known brands, and they’re showcased in this post. Have fun and let us know which one made you smile!

30 Clever Logo Parodies of Famous Brands

30 Clever Logo Parodies of Famous Brands

This is a crazy world we live in; we seek fun by screwing up things we see in... Read more

Lipton Cigarettes

The cigarettes smells like tea, and actually tastes healthy! (If only it were true.)

Image Source: Ilya Kalimulin

lipton cigarettelipton cigarette
M&M’s Bullets

Already a threat to your blood sugar level, M&M’s just got more dangerous.

Image Source: Ilya Kalimulin

m&m's bulletm&m's bullet
Tic Tac Bomb

It will always blow your mind.

Image Source: Ilya Kalimulin

tic tac bombtic tac bomb
McDonald’s MacBook

Oops, looks like an ultrabook from McDonald’s! On a side note, you can actually rebrand your MacBook with these skins and decals!

Image Source: AdMe

mcdonald's macbookmcdonald's macbook
Google Goooooo

What if in a parallel world, Google is not a world-changing company, but a ring game maker?

Image Source: Ilya Kalimulin

google goooooogoogle goooooo
Kaspersky Insect Killer

Kaspersky can help you eliminated not only virtual bugs, but real-life insects too. Comes with 1 free refill.

Image Source: AdMe

kaspersky insect killerkaspersky insect killer
Adobe Skincare Master Collection

The latest feature of this Adobe Master Collection is that instead of just a digital facelift, you now get real-life, permanent skincare.

Image Source: AdMe

adobe skincare master collectionadobe skincare master collection
Chanel Soap

The design might be a little out but hey, at least it cleans!

Image Source: Ilya Kalimulin

chanel soapchanel soap
Crocs Umbrella

Worst idea ever or revolutionary reinvention of the idea of the umbrella?

Image Source: AdMe

crocs umbrellacrocs umbrella
Heineken Fire Extinguisher

Heineken is dedicated to "putting out" your sorrows and sadness.

Image Source: AdMe

heineken fire extinguisherheineken fire extinguisher
IKEA Piano

Yes, you will need to assemble this piano yourself.

Image Source: Ilya Kalimulin

ikea pianoikea piano
Marshall Fridge

And behold, the Marshall fridge for cold drinks after a jamming session! Actually this fridge is a real product, except that it’s not an amplifier, but who’s complaining?

Image Source: insidemarshall

marshall fridgemarshall fridge

The post Creative Product Design – Expect The Unexpected appeared first on Hongkiat.

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