Monday, September 2, 2019

100+ Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Photoshop is an exceptional design software used by almost every designer in the world. The software has so many tools and features, however, the best way to use all of them productively is by knowing their short keys.

This post combines all the short keys for Adobe Photoshop into a single list that you can bookmark. So whenever you forget a certain Photoshop short key, you can refer to this list.

Selection Tools
Select between macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Hidden (non-visible) tools Option + tool Alt + tool
Path Selection and Direct Selection tools Shift + A Shift + A
Brush, Pencil, Color Replacement, and Mixer Brush tools Shift + B Shift + B
Crop, Slice, Slice Select, and Perspective Crop tools Shift + C Shift + C
Default Foreground and Background colors Shift + D Shift + D
Eraser, Background Eraser, and Magic Eraser tools Shift + E Shift + E
Gradient and Paint Bucket tools Shift + G Shift + G
Hand tool H H
Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, and Note tools Shift + I Shift + I
Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye, Content-Aware Move tools Shift + J Shift + J
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso tools Shift + L Shift + L
Rectangular Marquee and Elliptical Marquee tools Shift + M Shift + M
Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools Shift + O Shift + O
Pen and Freeform Pen tools Shift + P Shift + P
Switch Standard/Quick Mask modes Shift + Q Shift + Q
Rotate View tool R R
Clone Stamp and Pattern Stamp tools Shift + S Shift + S
Horizontal Type, Vertical Type, Horizontal Type mask, and Vertical Type mask tools Shift + T Shift + T
Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, and Custom Shape tools Shift + U Shift + U
Move and Artboard tools Shift + V Shift + V
Magic Wand and Quick Selection tools Shift + W Shift + W
Foreground and Background colors Shift + X Shift + X
History Brush and Art History Brush tools Shift + Y Shift + Y
Zoom tool Z Z
Previous Brush , ,
Next Brush . .
Switch Preserve Transparency / /
Decrease Brush Hardness { {
Increase Brush Hardness } }
First Brush < <
Last Brush &rt; &rt;
Camera Raw Dialog Box
macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Zoom tool Z Z
Hand tool H H
White Balance tool I I
Color Sampler tool S S
Crop tool C C
Straighten tool A A
Spot Removal tool B B
Red Eye Removal tool E E
Basic panel Ctrl + Alt + 1 Cmd + Option + 1
Tone Curve panel Ctrl + Alt + 2 Cmd + Option + 2
Detail panel Ctrl + Alt + 3 Cmd + Option + 3
HSL/Grayscale panel Ctrl + Alt + 4 Cmd + Option + 4
Split Toning panel Ctrl + Alt + 5 Cmd + Option + 5
Lens Corrections panel Ctrl + Alt + 6 Cmd + Option + 6
Camera Calibration panel Ctrl + Alt + 7 Cmd + Option + 7
Presets panel Ctrl + Alt + 9 Cmd + Option + 9
Open Snapshots panel Ctrl + Alt + 9 Cmd + Option + 9
Parametric Curve Targeted Adjustment tool Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T Cmd + Option + Shift + T
Hue Targeted Adjustment tool Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H Cmd + Option + Shift + H
Saturation Targeted Adjustment tool Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S Cmd + Option + Shift + S
Luminance Targeted Adjustment tool Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L Cmd + Option + Shift + L
Grayscale Mix Targeted Adjustment tool Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G Cmd + Option + Shift + G
Last-used Targeted Adjustment tool T T
Adjustment Brush tool K K
Graduated Filter tool G G
Increase / decrease brush size ] / [ ] / [
Increase / decrease brush feather Shift + ] / Shift + [ Shift + ] / Shift + [

Increase / decrease Adjustment Brush tool flow

(In increments of 10)

= / = /
Temporarily switch from Add to Erase mode for the Adjustment Brush tool, or vice versa Alt Option
Increase / decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool size Alt + ] / Alt + [ Option + ] / Option + [
Increase / decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool feather Alt + Shift + ] / Alt + Shift + [ Option + Shift + ] / Option + Shift + [

Increase / decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool flow

(In increments of 10)

Alt + = / Alt + Option + = / Option +
Change to New mode from Add or Erase mode of the Adjustment Brush tool or the Graduated Filter N N
Switch Auto Mask for Adjustment Brush tool M M
Switch Show Mask for Adjustment Brush tool Y Y
Switch pins for Adjustment Brush tool V V
Switch overlay for Graduated Filter, Spot Removal tool, or Red Eye Removal tool. V V
Rotate image left / right L / Ctrl + ] L / Cmd + ]
Rotate image right R / Ctrl + [ R / Cmd + [
Zoom in Ctrl + + Cmd + +
Zoom out Ctrl + Cmd +
Temporarily change to Zoom In tool Ctrl Cmd
Temporarily change to Zoom Out tool and change the Open Image button to Open Copy and the Cancel button to Reset. Alt Option
Switch preview P P
Full screen mode F F
Temporarily activate the White Balance tool and change the Open Image button to Open Object. Shift Shift
Choose multiple points in Curves panel Click the first point, Shift + click additional points Click the first point, Shift + click additional points
Add point to curve in Curves panel Ctrl + click in preview Cmd + click in preview

Move selected point in Curves panel

(1 unit)

Arrow keys Arrow keys

Move selected point in Curves panel

(10 units)

Shift + arrow key Shift + arrow key
Open selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge Ctrl + R Cmd + R
Open selected images from Bridge bypassing Camera Raw dialog box Shift + double-click image Shift + double-click image
Display highlights that will be clipped in Preview Alt + drag Exposure, Recovery, or Black sliders Option + drag Exposure, Recovery, or Black sliders
Highlight clipping warning O O
Shadows clipping warning U U

Add 1 – 5 star rating

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + 15 Cmd + 15

Increase / decrease rating

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + . / Ctrl + , Cmd + . / Cmd + ,

Add red label

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + 6 Cmd + 6

Add yellow label

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + 7 Cmd + 7

Add green label

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + 8 Cmd + 8

Add blue label

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + 9 Cmd + 9

Add purple label

(Filmstrip mode)

Ctrl + Shift + 0 Cmd + Shift + 0
Camera Raw preferences Ctrl + K Cmd + K
Deletes Adobe Camera Raw preferences

Ctrl + Al

(on open)

Option + Shift

(on open)

Move and copy selections
macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Reposition marquee while selecting

*Any marquee tool + spacebar + drag

*(except single column and single row)

*Any marquee tool + spacebar + drag

*(except single column and single row)

Add to a selection Any selection tool + Shift + drag Any selection tool + Shift + drag
Subtract from a selection Any selection tool + Alt + drag Any selection tool + Option + drag
Intersect a selection

*Any selection tool + Shift + Alt + drag

*(except Quick Selection tool)

*Any selection tool + Shift + Option + drag

*(except Quick Selection tool)

Constrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active) Shift + drag Shift + drag
Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active) Alt + drag Option + drag
Constrain shape and draw marquee from center Shift + Altdrag Shift + Option + drag
Change to Move tool


(except when Hand, Path, any Pen, Shape, or Slice tool is selected)


(except when Hand, Path, any Pen, Shape, or Slice tool is selected)

Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Lasso tool Alt + drag Option + drag
Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to polygonal Lasso tool Alt + click Option + click
Apply/cancel an operation of the Magnetic Lasso Enter / Esc or Ctrl + . Return / Esc or Cmd + .
Move copy of selection Move tool + Alt + drag selection Move tool + Option + drag selection
Move selection area 1 pixel Any selection + Arrow Any selection + Arrow
Move selection 1 pixel Move tool + Arrow Move tool + Arrow
Move layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer Ctrl + Arrow Cmd + Arrow
Increase / decrease detection width Magnetic Lasso tool + [ or ] Magnetic Lasso tool + [ or ]
Accept cropping or exit cropping Crop tool + Enter or Esc Crop tool + Return or Esc
Switch crop shield off and on / /
Make protractor Ruler tool + Alt + drag end point Ruler tool + Option + drag end point

Snap guide to ruler ticks

(except Quick Selection tool)

Shift + rag guide Shift + drag guide
Convert between horizontal and vertical guide Alt + drag guide Option + drag guide
macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Choose foreground color with Eyedropper Any painting tool + Shift + Alt + right-click and drag Any painting tool + Ctrl + Option + Cmd and drag
Choose foreground color from image with Eyedropper tool

Any painting / shape tool + Alt

(except when Paths option is selected)

Any painting / shape tool + Option

(except when Paths option is selected)

Choose background color Eyedropper tool + Alt + click Eyedropper tool + Option + click
Color sampler tool Eyedropper tool + Shift Eyedropper tool + Shift
Deletes color sampler Color sampler tool + Alt + click Color sampler tool + Option + click
Sets opacity, tolerance, strength, or exposure for painting mode Any painting / editing tool + number keys Any painting / editing tool + number keys
Sets flow for painting mode Any painting or editing tool + Shift + number keys Any painting or editing tool + Shift + number keys
Mixer Brush changes Mix setting Alt + Shift + number keys Option + Shift + number keys
Mixer Brush changes Wet setting Number keys Number keys
Mixer Brush changes Wet and Mix to zero 0 0
Cycle through blending modes Shift + + / – Shift + + / –
Open Fill dialog box on background or standard layer

Backspace, or

Shift + Backspace

Delete, or

Shift + Delete

Fill with foreground or background color

Alt + Backspace, or

Ctrl + Backspace

Option + Delete, or

Cmd + Delete

Fill from history Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Cmd + Option + Delete
Displays Fill dialog box Shift + Backspace Shift + Delete
Lock transparent pixels on/off / /
Connects points with a straight line Any painting tool + Shift + click Any painting tool + Shift + click
macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Move type in image Ctrl + drag type when Type layer is selected Cmd + drag type when Type layer is selected
Choose 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right Shift + / or / / Ctrl + Shift + / Shift + / or / / Cmd + Shift + /
Choose characters from insertion point to mouse click point Shift + click Shift + click
Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right /, /, or Ctrl + / /, or Cmd + /
Create a new text layer, when a text layer is selected in the Layers panel Shift + click Shift + click
Choose a word, line, paragraph, or story Double-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, or quintuple-click Double-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, or quintuple-click
Show/Hide selection on selected type Ctrl + H Cmd + H
Display the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding box Ctrl Cmd
Scale text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding box Ctrl + drag a bounding box handle Cmd + drag a bounding box handle
Move text box while creating text box Spacebar + drag Spacebar + drag
Brush Panel
macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Delete brush Alt + click brush Option + click brush
Rename brush Double-click brush Double-click brush
Change brush size Alt + right-click + drag left or right Ctrl + Option + drag left or right
Increase/decrease brush softness/hardness Alt + right-click + drag up or down Ctrl + Option + drag up or down
Choose previous/next brush size , / . , / .
Choose first/last brush

Shift + ,, or

Shift + .

Shift + ,, or

Shift + .

Display precise cross hair for brushes

Caps Lock, or

Shift + Caps Lock

Caps Lock
Switch airbrush option Shift + Alt + P Shift + Option + P
Layers Panel
macOS Shorcut Windows Shorcut
Load layer transparency as a selection Ctrl + click layer thumbnail Cmd + click layer thumbnail
Add to present selection Ctrl + Shift + click layer thumbnail Cmd + Shift + click layer thumbnail
Subtract from present selection Ctrl + Alt + click layer thumbnail Cmd + Option + click layer thumbnail
Intersect with present selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + click layer thumbnail Cmd + Shift + Option + click layer thumbnail
Load filter mask as a selection Ctrl + click filter mask thumbnail Cmd + click filter mask thumbnail
New layer Ctrl + Shift + N Cmd + Shift + N
New layer via copy Ctrl + J Cmd + J
New layer via cut Shift + Ctrl + J Shift + Cmd + J
Group layers Ctrl + G Cmd + G
Ungroup layers Ctrl + Shift + G Cmd + Shift + G
Create/release clipping mask Ctrl + Alt + G Cmd + Option + G
Choose all layers Ctrl + Alt + A Cmd + Option + A
Merge visible layers Ctrl + Shift + E Cmd + Shift + E
Create new empty layer with dialog box Alt + click New Layer button Option + click New Layer button
Create new layer below target layer Ctrl + click New Layer button Cmd + click New Layer button
Choose top layer Alt + . Option + .
Choose bottom layer Alt + , Option + ,
Add to layer selection in Layers panel Shift + Alt + [ or ] Shift + Option + [ or ]
Choose next layer down/up Alt + [ or ] Option + [ or ]
Move target layer down/up Ctrl + [ or ] Cmd + [ or ]
Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E Cmd + Shift + Option + E
Merge layers Highlight layers you want to merge, then Ctrl + E Highlight the layers you want to merge, then Cmd + E
Move layer to bottom or top Ctrl + Shift + [ or ] Cmd + Shift + [ or ]
Copy present layer to layer below Alt + Merge Down command from the Panel pop-up menu Option + Merge Down command from the Panel pop-up menu
Merge all visible layers to a new layer above the presently selected layer Alt + Merge Visible command from the Panel pop-up menu Option + Merge Visible command from the Panel pop-up menu
Show/hide this layer/layer group only or all layers/layer groups Right-click the eye icon Ctrl + click the eye icon
Show/hide all other presently visible layers Alt + click the eye icon Option + click the eye icon
Switch lock transparency for target layer, or last applied Lock / /
Edit layer effect/style, options Double-click layer effect/style Double-click layer effect/style
Hide layer effect/style Alt + double-click layer effect/style Option + double-click layer effect/style
Edit layer style Double-click layer Double-click layer
Disable/enable vector mask Shift + click vector mask thumbnail Shift + click vector mask thumbnail
Open Layer Mask Display Options dialog box Double-click layer mask thumbnail Double-click layer mask thumbnail
Switch layer mask on/off Shift + click layer mask thumbnail Shift + click layer mask thumbnail
Switch filter mask on/off Shift + click filter mask thumbnail Shift + click filter mask thumbnail
Switch between layer mask/composite image Alt + click layer mask thumbnail Option + click layer mask thumbnail
Switch between filter mask/composite image Alt + click filter mask thumbnail Option + click filter mask thumbnail
Switch rubylith mode for layer mask on/off \ or Shift + Alt + click \ or Shift + Option + click
Choose all type; temporarily select Type tool Double-click type layer thumbnail Double-click type layer thumbnail
Create a clipping mask Alt + click the line dividing two layers Option + click the line dividing two layers
Rename layer Double-click the layer name Double-click the layer name
Edit filter settings Double-click the filter effect Double-click the filter effect
Edit the Filter Blending options Double-click the Filter Blending icon Double-click the Filter Blending icon
Create new layer group below present layer/layer set Ctrl + click New Group button Cmd + click New Group button
Create new layer group with dialog box Alt + click New Group button Option + click New Group button
Create layer mask that hides all/selection Alt + click Add Layer Mask button Option + click Add Layer Mask button
Create vector mask that reveals all/path area Ctrl + click Add Layer Mask button Cmd + click Add Layer Mask button
Create vector mask that hides all or displays path area Ctrl + Alt + click Add Layer Mask button Cmd + Option + click Add Layer Mask button
Display layer group properties Right-click layer group and choose Group Properties, or double-click group Ctrl + click the layer group and choose Group Properties, or double-click group
Select/deselect multiple contiguous layers Shift + click Shift + click
Select/deselect multiple discontiguous layers Ctrl + click Cmd + click

The post 100+ Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts appeared first on Hongkiat.

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